The piece got a lot of attention, some positive, some negative:
- R. J. Snell responded critically to Hart's position in "Understanding Natural Law: A Response to Hart and Potemra," although the piece carries an earlier publication date (Public Discourse, February 27, 2013).
- Edward Feser was another of Hart’s critics, responding in "A Christian Hart, a Humean Head" (First Things, March 6, 2013)

One of the best books I can recommend to give the novice a sense of the distinction, and a powerful sense of how compelling natural law argument can be is J. Budziszewski's What We Can't Not Know: A Guide.
[Hat tip to C.B.]
The greatest flaw of natural law thinkers, particularly from a religious perspective is the underlying assumption that human nature is of the state God intended it to be.
If 'natural law' were a sure guide to moral development, history would be written otherwise. And while the corruptions and limitations of human nature continue to manifest themselves in war and conflict, social injustice, environmental degradation, paedophile priests and all forms of sexual perversion, to claim human nature is of God is no longer plausible. Just more chasing after wind!
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