Saturday, August 11, 2018

My translation of H. G. Stoker's magnum opus on conscience was released March 30th

On March 26th, I was privileged to be interviewed about my translation of H. G. Stoker's book, Conscience: Phenomena and Theories, which the University of Notre Dame Press released on March 30th. Stoker's book is the most comprehensive and fascinating analysis of conscience that I have seen in any language and was originally written as a dissertation under Max Scheler.

I want to thank two fine men, Jonathan Frances, Marketing and Communications Manager for Sacred Heart Major Seminary for arranging the interview, and Erik Coules, regional coordinator for the Archdiocese of Detroit, for conducting the interview.

link to the book on Amazon:

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed listening to this, Philip:
    Looking forward to reading it.
