The North American Society for Early Phenomenology
The Great Phenomenological Schism: Reactions to Husserl’s Transcendental Idealism
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City
June 3-6th, 2015
Keynote speakers:
Hanne Jacobs (Loyola University, Chicago)
Burt Hopkins (Seattle University)
Workshops with:
Sebastian Luft (Marquette University)
Antonio Zirión (UNAM)
The second schism in phenomenology, Husserl’s confrontation with Heidegger and the
emergence of existential phenomenology, is well known among philosophers. However, the
first schism, what we call here the Great Phenomenological schism, is far less understood.
Between 1905 and 1913, Husserl’s phenomenology underwent an important transformation,
as we see in documents such as his Seefeld manuscripts, the five lectures on
The Idea of
Phenomenology, and
Ideas I. Husserl’s phenomenology began as a form of descriptive
psychology, but after the discovery of the phenomenological reduction and a serious re-
reading of Kant, it developed into a form of transcendental idealism. This change baffled
many of Husserl’s students, and drew the ire of some of his contemporaries – creating a
division between the transcendental and the realist phenomenologists. This is presumably the
distinction Husserl had in mind when he told Dietrich von Hildebrand that he divided his
followers into two groups: the white sheep and the black sheep. Following Husserl’s move to
Freiburg, divisions among the early phenomenologists became firmly entrenched.
The theme of this conference will be the reaction to Husserl’s transcendental turn, both by his
students and his contemporaries, as well as Husserl’s attempts to respond to the criticisms of
his transcendental phenomenology. Topics would include the realism/idealism debate among
the early phenomenologists, criticisms of the idea of phenomenological reflection and the
reductions, the argument for existence of the transcendental ego, the problem of the external
world, the justification of the intentionality thesis, the relationship between Husserl’s
phenomenology and idealism, discussions of transcendental philosophy in Husserl’s lecture
courses and manuscripts from 1905-23, etc. We strongly encourage papers documenting the
criticisms of Husserl put forward by Adolf Reinach, Max Scheler, Carl Stumpf, Edith Stein,
Roman Ingarden, Johannes Daubert, Maximilian Beck, and other members of the Göttingen
and Munich Circles. We are also interested in the reactions of Husserl’s early Freiburg
students, many of whom only engaged Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology after the
First World War. Finally, papers on early students who followed Husserl’s transcendental
turn and defended
Ideas I against its detractors, are also welcomed.
Abstracts should be
400-600 words, and include a short bibliography. All abstracts must be
prepared for blind review and sent via email in .doc or .rtf format to Dr. Rodney K.B. Parker
Both senior researchers and graduate students are encouraged to submit.
Deadline for submissions is
February 20th, 2015.
Decisions will be sent out no later than March, 16th, 2015
Organizers – Rodney Parker, Ignacio Quepons, and Jethro Bravo
Hosts – Antonio Zirión and Seminario de Estudios Básicos de Fenomenología Trascendental.