The Max Scheler Society of North America (MSSNA) conference in Chicago, in conjunction with the Central Division meetings of the American Philosophical Association, April 26-29, 2006, attracted a modest but happy increase in interest this year. With two full sessions, there was still hardly enough time to accommodate the number of speakers and respondents on the roster. (A full schedule of the Society's speakers and commentators may be found on the MSSNA
program page.) Furthermore, it was good to see a significant number of younger newcomers in attendance this year -- one even a student from Belarus! More than anything, I had the sense of a great deal of work in progress, with many fecund ideas for future projects in the work. A great meeting with prospects for more to come. Hopefully we can get more of the younger Scheler scholars on board as speakers next time around. Further information on the Society may be found on the
Max Scheler Society of North America (unofficial website). From time-to-time I will also post updates on Scheler scholarship to
my Amazon blog, which, at this point, is devoted primarily to Scheler.